Plan pour l'avenir
1. Renforcement de capacités pédagogiques des enseignants des sourds et sourds -aveugles.
2. Améliorer la qualité de la formation de sortes que notre cenyesed joue un rôle modèle et aides 19 écoles de sourds de l'est.
3. Améliorer nos actives génératrices de révenues de l'agriculture et élevages et les ateliers de production.
4. Former les parents en communication en langues des signes et tactiles.
Produire un dictionnaire de la langue des signes et tactiles.
5. Des camps bibliques annuels en faveurs les couples sourds et leurs enfants.
1. Renforcement de capacités pédagogiques des enseignants des sourds et sourds -aveugles.
2. Améliorer la qualité de la formation de sortes que notre cenyesed joue un rôle modèle et aides 19 écoles de sourds de l'est.
3. Améliorer nos actives génératrices de révenues de l'agriculture et élevages et les ateliers de production.
4. Former les parents en communication en langues des signes et tactiles.
Produire un dictionnaire de la langue des signes et tactiles.
5. Des camps bibliques annuels en faveurs les couples sourds et leurs enfants.
Plans for the future.
1. To strengthen the educational ability of teachers of the deaf and deaf blind;
2. To improve the quality of training so that our centre plays a distinctive role and helps 19 schools for the deaf in the east;
3. To increase our active revenue producing activity in agriculture, animal husbandry and workshops;
4. To support parents with training in communication by the use of signing and touch;
5. To establish annual bible camps, giving priority to deaf couples and their children.
1. To strengthen the educational ability of teachers of the deaf and deaf blind;
2. To improve the quality of training so that our centre plays a distinctive role and helps 19 schools for the deaf in the east;
3. To increase our active revenue producing activity in agriculture, animal husbandry and workshops;
4. To support parents with training in communication by the use of signing and touch;
5. To establish annual bible camps, giving priority to deaf couples and their children.
Our School for Deafblind children in Goma
We are in the process of designing and building a small Centre for the education of Deafblind children in the city of Goma. Our architect is busy putting the plans together, and then we have to tender for the construction. After that, we will be fundraising for the actual construction.
Would you like to be part of this? Would you like your name or your Company's name to be given to our new facility? What an amazing legacy!
We are in the process of designing and building a small Centre for the education of Deafblind children in the city of Goma. Our architect is busy putting the plans together, and then we have to tender for the construction. After that, we will be fundraising for the actual construction.
Would you like to be part of this? Would you like your name or your Company's name to be given to our new facility? What an amazing legacy!
À ce qui concerne les sourds aveugles i j viens d'avoir une information que, ces enfants sont dans un mauvais état car les parents manquent quoi faire avec ces derniers et puis ils les laissent fermes dans la maison afin d'aller faire leurs travaux de champs et puis ces enfants souffrent d'une manière extraordinaire, les autorités ne se souciés pas d'eux. Car les autorités pensent que sont d'autres choses hors la personne.
Concerning the deaf blind, these children are in a poor state because the parents lack the means to help them. These children are often left shut in the house so that the parents can go to work in the fields. The result is that these children suffer in an extraordinary way. The authorities do not provide for them, because they focus on other things apart from the individual.